Zhiyong WuDr., Prof.

Prof. WU received his Ph.D degree from Hohai University,and was supported by Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University,Young and middle-aged academic technology leader of 333 high level talent training project of Jiangsu Province,and his Ph.D dissertation was selected as one of the National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of P.R. China in 2010.
Prof. WU’s research interests included meteo-hydrological coupled runoff simulation and prediction,drought monitoring and prediction,influence of climate change on water resources,hydrometry,and water resources informatization.
Prof. WU has published over 100 scholar works. Among all the works,39 works are indexed by SCI,2 invention patents are authorized, and 3 monographs are published.
Prof. WU has received a total number of 29 grants,including the National Natural Science Foundation of China,the Special Public Sector Research Program of the Ministry of Water Resources,Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China,National Science and Technology Major Project.

Dr. Wu

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Dr. Wu

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