Yintang WangProf.

Prof. Wang Yintang is the deputy director of Hydrology and Water Resources Department, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute (NHRI). Master of engineering hydrology and water resources of Hohai University. Mainly engaged in research work on basic theories of hydrology and water resources, flood simulation of flood control systems, utilization of rainwater resources in river basins, optimal allocation of water resources, and flood control decision support systems. Presided over the completion of more than 80 national key R & D plans, national science and technology support plans, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, public welfare industry scientific research projects, and provincial and ministerial key scientific and technological projects. Published 4 academic monographs, published more than 80 academic papers, including more than 30 SCI / EI / ISTP, 4 national patents, 6 utility model patents, and 10 authorized software copyrights.

Prof. Wang

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Prof. Wang

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